The Story So Far….
Well here it is. The next step. The next wave. The next crazy cliche that implies we are on our way to the next big thing. Well by damn, let’s do it.
So the story is this. Mediocre high school academics – bored and concerned more with the opposite sex and sports. Mediocre college – same as above. Then something happened. Having the wherewithall to do what I wanted, when I wanted became an obsession. So I looked around and saw that technology guys were “making millions” and I wanted in. Through a family friend, I landed at IBM, rose quickly and made a place. The limited wealth creation bothered me so when the first chance to jump into a tech start up came, I took it. That was the first of 8 start ups before I “exited” with more wherewithall than I could have imagined. So why did I not feel like it was that exciting to get what I had coming to me? Why have I decided that millions isn’t enough and that billions are going to make a difference? What lessons have I learned? What lessons would I pass on?
This blog is to chronicle the journey, the making, and not the destination. This is for you, the reader, the entrepreneur, the believer that entrepreneurism is the cure all to everything. For I am an entrepreneur – a successful one at that. I choose to make a difference in my community and to create jobs. I invite you to read,observe, learn and hopefully create your own unique entrepreneurial vision.